Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams confirmed that there are serious indications of malversation at the National Security Department of St Maarten (VDSM). The prime minister had ordered an investigation by the Government Account Bureau (SOAB). This investigation is currently being finalized. “Given the nature of the service and the implications of an investigation for the reputation of our security department and the country in general, extreme judiciousness needs to be exervised in analyzing the result of the investigation and potential actions as a result thereof,” the prime minister said. The prime minster already has had several meetings with SOAB and the managment of the VDSM on the investigation and she has been assured that in any case, the regular works of the National Security Department will continue as usual. The Prme Miinster added that the National Security Department, because of its spefific tasks, is managed independently and that the control mechanisms are according to the ordinance on the national security
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